Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I Have A Lot Of Pet Peeves. Here's One Of Them.

Dear Teacher at Ben's School Who Stands Outside During the Car-rider Drop-Offs,

When the car ahead of me started to pull away from the sidewalk, I assumed that that meant it was on it's way out of the parking lot.  So I pulled right up to the end of the sidewalk and dropped off Ben.  Had I known that you had a long, long conversation that you absolutely had to have with the lady in that car right that very minute, I would have stopped a little further back so that I could have pulled around.  I'm pretty sure that the minivan that pulled in behind me would have done the same.  And I'm pretty sure that the car that pulled in behind the minivan would have done the same as well.  And I'm pretty sure that the same goes for the other four cars that pulled in behind it.  I mean, the only place I had to go after dropping my kid off was home.  But what if the people behind me had somewhere to be?  Work, an appointment of some sort, or even a rendezvous with destiny.  Instead, we were all just stuck sitting there, moving neither forward nor backward in the world.  Here's the thing: There's a whole parking lot there.  I mean, I know it's not a huge parking lot or anything, but I counted at least three open spaces that lady in the car could have moved into for the duration of the conversation so that the rest of us were free to leave.  I'm just sayin'....

(Incidentally, getting stuck in the drop-off line in the mornings is one of my biggest pet-peeves-- how hard is it to pull up to the sidewalk, tell your kid, "have a nice day!" and pull away?  I think I just got a little more peeved than usual this morning since it was an actual teacher holding up the line rather than just a parent and kid who suddenly forgot they weren't the only people in the world.)


  1. At my son's school, we only have a street to drop them off in, and they go straight to a sidewalk, but at least we could go around in a time like that!!!

  2. It's funny that your pet peeve is going to my greatest sadness when my kids start school. I wont be able to drop them off or pick them up from school. I'm going to be that weird/embarassing mom who is always at the bus stop yelling out as they leave "I love you! Be good in school. I'll be right here when you get off the bus this afternoon!" I would trade your pet peeve anyday.
