Friday, April 8, 2011

Meme Meme Meme Meeeeeeme (Sung like an opera person warming up their vocal chords)

I need to figure out how to add sound effects to my blog titles, I think.  Actually, I need to figure out a way to add sound effects to my writing in general.  I like to write the way I speak, and I'm a big fan of using sound effects to complement whatever it is I have to say.  Also, I find it interesting that spell-check is taking issue with "Meme" (all three times), but seems to be perfectly okay with "Meeeeeeme."  Well, it was in the title box, anyway.  Now that I'm down here in the text box, it no longer likes it.  I even made sure I used the exact same number of e's.  Not that you can see any of that, now.  Once I click on "Publish Post," those squiggly red lines will disappear and you'll have no way of knowing whether what I am saying now is true or not.  I promise you, it is.  Seriously, who would lie about something like that?  Especially since I'm in the process of making this a "for real" blog that people will be clamoring to read.  I need you to trust me.  So, when I say there are squiggly lines, rest assured, there are most definitely squiggly lines.  (In hindsight, I probably should have held off on blogging until I was no longer regularly taking cold medicine.)

I've been doing a lot of brainstorming on ways to make my blog awesome.  One of those would definitely be a redesign to make it personalized.  Only I am so very awful at figuring out how to do computer-y things like that.  I've also been trying to think of awesome weekly features to feature, but I'm coming up just a little bit short.  I was hoping to have something different every day, but (probably thanks to the cold medicine) I just haven't come up with any good ideas.  I decided to check with the great and mighty Google to see if it could introduce me to any internet-wide weekly blog memes, but a lot of them were kind of lame.  So, still no progress there, either.

Does anyone know of any super-awesome weekly blog memes that they totally think I should be joining in on?  Or should I continue to brainstorm and see if I can't come up with some truly awesome memes of my own?


  1. Here is a list I came up with. It may take some footwork but these are what I'm intrested in.

    Review- book, a play (hint hint), restaurant, local band, a movie, artist
    Your Crock Pot Mondays were different.
    Your opinion on global/local news.
    Origional short stories.
    A recent Do-It-Yourself project.
    Kid's stories are always funny.
    Make fun of a celebrity.
    Your favorite Non-profit organization.

    That is just off the top of my head without researching and what I would write about if I were any good at writing.

  2. OH and of course, write about yourself and your life.
    Reliatives that give you the creeps
    Lying to your kids or making them believe something because it's funny
    Xbox 360 or Wii (I'm not a video gamemr)
    Worst ways to die
    PROCRASTINATION methods!!!! haha
    People who you think are smart and why
    Things you did in High School
    Things to do with your dog
    Start a new hobby

    After a little bit of research...

  3. Haha, I like how you threw "review a play" in there! ;-) I like "make fun of a celebrity," too. Hahaha!! I've been thinking about doing a book review type thing, and once we move I'm sure I'll have tons of DIY things to blog about, too.

  4. Whatever you write, I'm going to be your #1 fan!!! Can't wait :)

  5. Come up with your own! I think you are great. Of course, Michelle gave you lots of options!!! Also, my husband's mom is called MeMe (most people spell it MiMi) for grandmother, and it always spell checks when I type it!
