Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Internet: I Have Some!

Hooray for finally having internet!! I've got some great blog posts planned, but an hour before bedtime isn't a good time to get started on them, I think. Mostly because they've been filed away somewhere in my subconscious, and somewhere in the very back of that file. I'll probably remember them, word-for-word, as I'm dozing off tonight and when I sit down to actually write them tomorrow, I'll probably have forgotten them. I'm used to it. To ward this off, I'm going to give you a sneak preview of sorts: one is about a seashell, and one is about broken stuff. That doesn't sound very exciting right now, I'll grant you. But I keep forgetting to make a note of it, and this way it's right here in the blog where I'll be able to find them when I need them.

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