Monday, May 23, 2011

What It's Like To Be Me

How I clean my kitchen:
1.) Start clearing off countertops. Realize I need to wipe them down, too.
2.) Go grab a paper towel. Realize paper towel roll is empty.
3.) Go down hallway to linen closet where the spare paper towels are kept.
4.) Realize halfway there that I have to pee. Walk past the linen closet and take care of business.
5.) Realize that there are suds in the bottom of the tub from Olette's bubble bath, earlier.
6.) Acknowledge that leaving them there to dry will result in soap scum that will need to be scrubbed.
7.) Spend five minutes thoroughly rinsing the bathtub.
8.) Realize that someone left all the bedroom doors open again. (Trying to keep them closed so the ac doesn't have to work so hard.)
9.) Close all bedroom doors. 
10.) Open all blinds on the back side of the house (since the sun is on the front side right now) so I don't have to have lights on-- hooray for saving electricity!
11.) Realize I don't like the song on Pandora right now. Go to kitchen (where the laptop is, since I'm cleaning the kitchen today) and change the song.
12.) Realize that I've just wasted around 10 minutes doing things that were specifically not "cleaning the kitchen."
13.) Start clearing off countertops. Realize I need to wipe them down, too.
14.) Realize I never did grab a new roll of paper towels.
15.) Take a moment to blog about it. Because at this point, really, why not?

(And everyone wonders why it's so hard for me to keep up on the housework...)

1 comment:

  1. I just had one of these moments.

    Washing the dishes I knocked over a pile of plastic cups..
    Bent Down to pick up said cups, noticed my cabinets are dirty.
    Grabbed rag and spray, cleaned cabinet.
    Got thirsty. Decided to make tea.
    Searched for favorite tea pot.
    Remembered it was dirty.
    Went back to washing dishes and I'm still thirsty.
