Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Writer's Block. And A Short Attention Span.

I have sat down every day this week so far to compose a blog post.  They were good ones, too, all mapped out in my head, complete with beginnings, middles, and ends.  And as soon as I started typing each one, that little window in the corner of my mind opened wide.  And apparently, it's been awfully windy just outside that window lately.  And so, about halfway through the third sentence, I find myself staring at the computer screen and thinking, "Wait... what was the point of this again?"  But I have no answer.  And so I think, "Maybe if I just keep going, I'll remember what I was going to say and I'll be able to wrap this up neatly."  And so I keep going and then realize, "I may not remember what I was going to say, but I'm absolutely certain that I am nowhere near the point anymore... and now I have a whole bunch of rambling, nonsensical sentences that have nothing to do with each other, much less what I forgot I was going to say."  At which point, I select the entire text and hit the backspace button.  I spend a few minutes contemplating whether to try again.  I dig through all the corners of my mind, trying to find something, anything to fill the little text box which, by now, is mocking me in all it's stark-white emptiness.  And I realize that whatever I was going to say is now long gone from the annals of memory, never to be recovered.  (Until I'm dozing off at the end of a long day and way too tired to climb out of bed and write it down.  Because my memory is mean that way.)

This is where I would stick a conclusion, if I had one.

1 comment:

  1. You made this "nothing" so intresting I had to read it twice :).
