Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's Ok, I'm Still Here... Sort Of

Welcome to December!  Where in the heck did November go?  For that matter, where has the rest of the year gone?  I swear August was just a couple of weeks ago... what happened?!  Who hit the Fast Forward button?!  And when's it gonna stop?!

The past week has been crazy.  We haven't been particularly busy (although if you happen to stop by and see the shape my house is in, I will lie to you and say we've all been just so, so busy so that you don't wonder what sort of wild animals live here), but we've had just enough going on that, on top of trying to recover from a five-day weekend (why is it that the more relaxing we do, the harder it is to get back into the groove?), all the normal day-to-day things have been slipping through the cracks.  My hubby who, thankfully, is mostly understanding of the fact that I am a whole new breed of scatterbrained, volunteered to clean the kitchen last weekend.  I have never seen anything so sexy in my life.  I'm not exaggerating.  We've had lots of running errands to do, mostly because businesses had odd operating hours last week.  (Side note: I did my first ever camp-out-at-a-store-until-they-open-on-Black-Friday this year!  I got to Target two hours before they opened.  On that "morning," I was thankful that A.) the expected rain decided not to come, and B.) it was about 65 degrees out.  Freezing my butt off, sitting on a curb at Target would most certainly have dampened my spirits!  But I got what I went for and I now own a brand new camera that I paid almost 50% off regular price for.)  So Monday-- all day long-- was spent running errands.  Tuesday was spent attempting to make the house look habitable.  I didn't get far-- it was raaaaaaaainy alllllll daaaaay loooooong, which means I was trying to work and provide entertainment for O.  Not exactly the conditions most conducive to productivity.  Yesterday I had a meeting with Ben's teacher, and guess who inherited his mother's extreme scatterbrainedness?  Sorry, buddy!  On the bright side, he's a joy to teach and very intelligent.

But now I come to a day where, finally, I have absolutely nothing scheduled until after dinner (Christmas program at Ben's school), so guess what I'm doing today?  Brace yourself, house: you are no match for me and my three cups of coffee.  Prepare to be spotless!  (Or at least clean-ish.)

(I was hoping to work decorating the Christmas Tree into this post somewhere, so I could justify adding a picture of it.  I think I might make it the subject of a whole post soon instead... although we know what happens when I say that...)

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