Monday, August 29, 2011

Every. Single. Weekday. Morning.

"Eat your breakfast. Eat your breakfast. Stop talking and eat your breakfast. If you're not going to eat, you need to take care of your dishes and go brush your teeth. Well, if you're hungry, eat! EAT YOUR BREAKFAST OR GO BRUSH YOUR TEETH! No, don't let the dog in, I'm just going to have to put him right back out when we leave. ...Did you brush your teeth? Well then, go brush them. How have you already brushed your teeth if your toothbrush is dry and the sink is dry? Brush your teeth. BRUSH YOUR TEETH! Stop arguing with each other, there is room for both of you at the sink. BRUSH YOUR TEETH SO YOU CAN FINISH GETTING READY! ...Thank you for finally brushing your teeth, now go get dressed. What do you mean you can't find anything? There's khakis in your dresser and school shirts hanging in your closet. I don't care which shorts you wear, pick a pair of khakis and get dressed. Olette, come on, let's get you dressed. No, you don't have to have your shirt tucked in, but I think it looks nicer if you at least start the day with it tucked. Ok, I won't tuck it in. Let's get your socks and shoes on. What? You said you didn't want your shirt tucked in! Ok, fine, come here and I'll tuck it and then you need to get your shoes. Ben, where's your belt? On your bed? Awesome. It's supposed to be on you. Go get it. And get shoes and socks on. Olette, let's get your shoes on. What do you mean you can't find them? They're in your closet, on top of your dresser. Ok, fine, I'll help you look for them. *grab Olette's shoes off her dresser* Really? You couldn't find them anywhere?! Ben, are you ready? What do you mean you're ready? How are you ready if you don't have shoes and socks on? ...Ok, let's go! Where are your shoes?! It's been 10 minutes!! How does it take 10 minutes to put on socks and shoes? You only have two feet! Ok, everyone into the car. The car is not in the kitchen. The car is not in your bed room. What are you doing?! It's TIME TO GO! Get in the car! Sit down. Buckle up. I shouldn't have to tell you this every time we get in the car. Quit arguing. It takes five minutes to get to school, can the two of you please just spend five minutes not finding something to argue about? Just ignore each other! ...Grab your backpack Ben. No, I know you're not stupid, I tell you to grab it every morning because every time I don't tell you, you leave it in the car and have to come back for it. I love you, have a great day!"

Just thought I'd share a glimpse into what our mornings are like around here. Does anyone else find themselves saying the exact. same. things. every. single. day? Or is it just my kids?

(Also, a new weekly feature! I'm not really sure what I'm thinking, scheduling a regular feature for Mondays. I am awful at Mondays. But I wanted to set aside one day a week to talk about my kids, because my kids are awesome. And I like alliterative titles. And there's only one day a week that starts with the letter M. So, MommyBlog Monday it is. And if MommyBlog Monday sometimes happens on Tuesdays? Don't be too surprised.)

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